Deadline this coming Sunday. Help inspire 6 new GOLDEN posters!

Our campaign to help inspire SIX new posters for our GOLDEN exhibit ends this coming Sunday, May 10. As of this morning we have 82 photos uploaded!

Click here to ENTER your photo(s). Or click on the VOTE button to see all the photos submitted so far. Or you can Post a photo directly on Instagram or Facebook and use the hashtag #homeisgolden and your photo will join everyone else’s contributions for all to see.

It’s not really a competition, but we are offering prizes! Your photo could be chosen to inspire one of six new poster images and, with thanks, we’ll reward you with a 24″x36″ framed print!

You don’t have to be a great photographer! If you’ve got a snapshot of a place or an activity that you think should be represented on one of our new posters, then please share it with us.

Show us what you think should be represented in the next set of six prints!


The Art Gallery of Golden has started the design process to create six new poster images to add to the original twelve images created as part of our 2011 exhibit “GOLDEN. We Call This Home.”

In the early 1900s, Canadian Pacific created posters that promoted the dream of the Canadian west to tourists and homeseekers from around the world. Inspired by these classic posters, AGOG created an exhibit of 12 posters that depict this place we call home.

Since launching the first 12 posters in 2011, thousands of prints of these images have been purchased by locals and visitors alike and enjoyed around the world! We’re constantly asked when we will have new images! Well, in celebration of the Golden District Arts Council’s upcoming 50th anniversary, the time is now and we are reaching out to the community to engage with locals and visitors alike to share their iconic photos of Golden life with us.


Remember… the campaign ends this coming Sunday. We’re itching to start designing the new posters soon so don’t delay! Click the link above or ENTER and upload at Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #homeisgolden to share your ideas and photos with us. Click the VOTE button to see photos uploaded so far.

It’ll be a lot of fun to see all the photos uploaded and find out what people are thinking! Stay tuned…


This new series of GOLDEN. We Call This Home. is supported in part by the 2020 CBT Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program (CIP/AAP).


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